contact & links
My name is Sasicha Jamie Rubesch - Sasi, or Jamie. I was born in Bangkok, Thailand, where I grew up (mostly). Since then, I have lived in different cities and countries including India, Spain, and Bogotá (Colombia), which is where I currently live.
I study Art - specifically "electronic media" - at Universidad de Los Andes here in Bogotá. I consider myself a multidisciplinary artist/designer/human. Like, why can we only be ONE thing in life, right?
I enjoy creating and consuming **art** and like to draw inspiration from things I see in my daily life, mainly the colors. I love to explore the world and create human connections wherever I go. After all, what is life really all about?
Here are some random fun facts about me:
- I love fun facts

- Like most serial killers, I was born in November

- I love eating and making soups - and not to brag, but I'm great at it.

- I love being in nature - most of all, climbing mountains

- I like hats